Circuit Breaker Lockouts 69 Mini Circuit Breaker Lockout Mini Circuit Breaker Lockout Mini Circuit Breaker Lockout Specifications ML-S2390 ML-S2391 ML-S2392 Breaker Width (Clearance) Up to 11mm 11-13mm Up to 12.7mm Pin Type Pin Out Pin Out Pin In These Master Lock miniature circuit breaker lockouts are designed to fit most ISO/DIN breakers. Quick and easy to install, Pin Out types fit directly into the switch and the pins fit into the holes either side of the switch, thus preventing it from being turned on or off. The Pin-In type works by fitting into the holes on the out side of the switch. The pins adjust to secure it in place, and a padlock can be added. ] ] Safe and effective method for locking out MCBs ] ] Easy to install Mini Circuit Breakers These universal Master Lock miniature circuit breaker lockouts are designed to fit on most ISO/DIN circuit breakers. Simply place over the switch and tighten the screw with a screwdriver (not included). ] ] Fits on breaker toggles and can be tightened using screwdriver Model Product Name ML-S2393 Universal Circuit Breaker Lockout Universal Mini Circuit Breaker Lockouts B E S T S E L LER•BEST S E L L E R • B E S T S E L L E R •