Safety Padlocks 23 Jacket Padlock With Regular Shackle 3x Jacket Padlocks With Regular Shackle Jacket Padlock With Long Shackle 3 Jacket Padlocks With Long Shackle Specifications LT-JPRS LT-JPRS3 LT- JPLS LT-JPLS3 Shackle Height (A) 17mm 17mm 66mm 66mm Shackle Diameter (B) 6mm 6mm 6mm 6mm Body Height (C) 46mm 46mm 46mm 46mm Body Width (D) 43mm 43mm 43mm 43mm Body Depth (E) 22mm 22mm 22mm 22mm Keys Supplied 3 3 3 3 These heavy-duty padlocks are made from steel, the shackle contains alloy metals for increased durability and prevention against cutting, prying and twisting. The jackets are made from ABS and are non-conductive. Great for tough environments. ] ] Colour and customisation options are available, please note customised orders may take longer to arrive Alloy Shackle with Steel Body Jacket Padlocks Model Product Name LT-JPLS-KA-B Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Alike-Blue LT-JPLS-KA-BK Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Alike-Black LT-JPLS-KA-G Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Alike-Green LT-JPLS-KA-O Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Alike-Orange LT-JPLS-KA-R Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Alike-Red LT-JPLS-KA-Y Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Alike-Yellow LT-JPLS-KD+M-B Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different + Master-Blue LT-JPLS-KD+M-BK Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different + Master-Black LT-JPLS-KD+M-G Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different + Master-Green LT-JPLS-KD+M-O Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different + Master-Orange LT-JPLS-KD+M-R Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different + Master-Red LT-JPLS-KD+M-Y Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different + Master-Yellow LT-JPLS-KD-B Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different-Blue LT-JPLS-KD-BK Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different-Black LT-JPLS-KD-G Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different-Green LT-JPLS-KD-O Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different-Orange LT-JPLS-KD-R Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different-Red LT-JPLS-KD-Y Jacket Padlock-Long Shackle-Key Different-Yellow LT-JPRS-KD-B Jacket Padlock-Regular Shackle-Key Different-Blue LT-JPRS-KD-BK Jacket Padlock-Regular Shackle-Key Different-Black LT-JPRS-KD-G Jacket Padlock-Regular Shackle-Key Different -Green LT-JPRS-KD-O Jacket Padlock-Regular Shackle-Key Different-Orange LT-JPRS-KD-R Jacket Padlock-Regular Shackle-Key Different-Red LT-JPRS-KD-Y Jacket Padlock-Regular Shackle-Key Different-Yellow B E S T S E L LER•BEST S E L L E R • B E S T S E L L E R • B E S T S E L LER•BEST S E L L E R • B E S T S E L L E R •